Friday, October 17, 2008

i can do you one better. I was planning on outlining a few pages then using Comic Life, a program on my mac, to put together the pages in more than a sketch form and even get some images off the web as stands-ins for the pictures I have in mind. Then I will just save those as pdf's and send them your way. I will be working on those soon.

The pages I have done are really rough, and I expect them to change a lot. So that is one challenge. Another challenge that keeps coming into my mind is: why put so much time into something that isn't even complete, and may never be AND even if it is complete there is a chance it won't be a compelling story or a good final product so why put so much time into it? I think my outlook on that one is that I am looking at this as a fun project to do to explore storytelling and comic book making. How does that sound to you?

I'll send you those files soon.

Question: How do we talk about what the pages should look like?

Question 2: What are you thinking so far as the style of the art?

1 comment:

James Preston said...

I'm in agreement about this being a creative exploration. Neither one of us are published or the artistic equivalent, which is great, because it totally takes the pressure off of the process.

Anyway, send me those pages when you get a chance. I'm excited to see draft ideas.

In answer to your questions... I think that the way we should talk about page layout is by tackling and experimenting with one major scene at a time (ie - woe billy meeting roland, or the scenes in the flooded room with the sisters). I think by visualizing the major points of the story, we can determine the style for the overall book.

I would like to explore your idea using Klimt style artwork. I have this batman graphic novel called "batman: arkham asylum" and it has some really stylized artwork throughout the entire book. The book is really dark, but it seems to parallel the idea of realism meets symbolism or some other very stylized approach. You might check it out...

However, I would like to explore more than one style so that we can see what fits best. So the first step is deciding on a scene to draft up.

Let me know what you think, and no rush... but when you get a chance, send me those pages.